About the Anime:
The story of Dragon Ball follows the life of Son Goku, a monkey-tailed boy loosely based on the traditional Chinese folk tale Journey to the West, from his childhood adventures to becoming a grandfather. During his life, he engages in numerous battles and eventually becomes arguably the strongest martial artist in the universe. However, he doesn't do it alone; the series features a large ensemble cast of martial artist heroes and villains who drive the story's conflicts.
Favorite Sagas:
- Namekusei - It is one of my favorites and marks the beginning of the most famous power-up in anime, the Super Saiyan transformation.
- Majin Buu Saga - This saga, while one of the longest in Dragon Ball, is amazing due to its incredible character development and the formidable villain, making it a real challenge for all the Z warriors.
- Zamasu Saga - I really like this saga because of the unique villain and the profound meaning behind his actions. He stands out from other villains and has a genuine purpose.
- Power Tournament Saga - This was the last animated saga in the anime, and I love it. It's a turning point, and from here, Goku reaches a new level. Ultra Instinct takes center stage, and the way it's introduced in the anime is amazing.
Top Characters in My Opinion:
- "Goku" - He is the main character of the anime, and I really like him because he gives 100% effort every day in his training to become the strongest in the multiverse.
- "Vegeta" - He is Goku's main rival and always competes against him. I love this character because he never surrenders and is a prideful warrior who never backs down.
- "Whis" - He is the Angel Attendant of Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus, and their martial arts teacher. He also trains Goku and Vegeta, helping them greatly improve their skills. I love this character because of his immense power, which he doesn't need to prove; his mere presence is enough.
For more information about this amazing anime, visit their official website: https://en.dragon-ball-official.com/